Theorist: Emile Durkheim
Theory: Functionalist Theory
Terms: Social Solidarity, Division of Labor, Social Institution, and Phenomena
Inside Out is a fun and entertaining movie and is a great example of Emile Durkheim's Functionalist Theory. Inside Out 2015, shows hoe emotions Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear must work together to keep Riley running smoothly.
Emile Durkheim viewed society as an entity larger than the sum of its parts (like the human body). He also saw that social facts as social patterns external to individuals. Emile Durkheim wondered what held society together the French Revolution. He also wondered other questions like What is the Structure of society?, What functions does society perform?, How do Functions and Structures contribute to social stability, What holds society together and What pull it apart?
Emile Durkheim wanted to know why these phenomena occur. A phenomena is a fact or situation that is observable especially ones that draw questions. One phenomena was why the emotions had different jobs, but still were really good friends. A real life example of a phenomena is why humans work so well together, and why society is still together even though we all have different jobs in the world.
Inside Out is a movie that can have those questions about it. Emile Durkheim thought that Division of Labor (which was product of the Industrial Revolution) held people together and made them closer even though the are "separated" at their job. Division of Labor is an interdependence of different tasks and occupations, that produce social unity. Even though all the emotions had different jobs they worked together and were connected. The emotions all have different jobs (their names are their jobs:}, but they do different tasks to keep Riley, the young lady the are inside, working to the top of their abilities.
Social Solidarity is a social bond that comes from Division of Labor. The emotions had different jobs and still loved each other and were bonding together. A real life example of this would be people who work at a restaurant. The chef, the waiters, and the greeter all have different jobs, but are still good friends.
Emile Durkheim thought that society was complex and was just like the human body. This is called Social Institutions. Social Institution says that society exists to serve some important (or needed) function to keep society running. In Inside Out each of the emotions have their own part to keep Riley "running" and going as normal. A real life example of this would be Government, Religion, Education, Marriage, Family, and Law that's keeping society running smoothly.
This movie has helped me understand the Functionalist Theory in several ways. It has great examples of Emile Durkheim's theory. This movie showed me that there can be interdependent parts working seperatly, but are still bonded together.
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